a very innocent subject, wouldn't you say? crayons. colorful, non-threatening, even therapeutic. all of that changed for me this evening.
i was in the midst of making an awesome crafty project for my favorite niece, ellen. it consisted of melting crayons, pouring them into a silicone ice cube tray that was in the shape of the alphabet and then letting them dry.
(i can't find the link for the directions...it really is a great one. if i find it i'll make sure to post it!)
simple enough.
and cute.
so i started the project.
the peeling of the paper off the crayons was not nearly as easy as i had thought it was going to be, but with the help of a good knife, i was well on my way.
i got them all peeled, and put them in a cake pan and into the oven to melt. i dutifully checked on my project, often, to make sure it wasn't burning.
perfect. it was a beautiful swirly display.
i couldn't wait to pour them into the trays. ellen would be sooo excited. i just knew it. what 3 year old wouldn't be?
so i carefully took them out of the oven, and all of the sudden something went awry. i don't know if i blinked, or got bumped, or sneezed or what, but i would say oh...a good 1/2 of the pan of crayon juice was ALL OVER THE FLOOR AND THE WALL OF THE KITCHEN/BAR AREA!
anne immediately thought it was her fault, apologizing all over herself. she was soon banished to the family room to watch some t.v. as to not have a heart attack...
what a disaster.
i have been hunched over the kitchen floor and hallway floor scraping crayon-y wax. i almost have it complete.
adam, a.k.a. adam the saint, just smiled simply and said 'can i help you at all?' i think i sneered back, because he just smiled and walked away, checking on me every now and again.
so, if by chance, you are interested in the directions. let me know. i will be happy to share. just make sure your crayon goo is in a deeper dish! :)
i'm positive that some day, some day real soon, i'll get a total kick out of this. right now, i'm just getting a neck ache!
oh, and suz, not sure ellen is going to have a.b.c. crayons anytime soon!
~chat soon!