Thursday, July 16, 2009

A Great Thing

Can you believe all of this for a little more then 20 bucks?
Anne felt the desire to SMELL everything that we had brought home.

A few weeks back, Aaron, Adam's brother told us about a produce co-op that his neighbor was putting together. After some inquiring we decided we were very interested. Yesterday was our first produce pickup. It was a lot of fun to watch the whole process happen. Trisha, Aaron's neighbor and her husband Bob have a large truck come, drop off a HUGE amount of produce on their driveway to be sorted evenly among the different families, meanwhile approximately 50 people descend on their residence to pick up the goods. It is a large undertaking for the responsible parties. Adam and I are so excited that we have found this Thanks Aaron for bringing it to our attention and thank you Trisha for taking this on for everyone. It is GREAT!

~Chat Soon
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