Sunday, August 30, 2015

be faithful, serve boldly.....

as the school year wrapped up and our church stuff did as well, we were given a mission to work on during the summer.  to be faithful, serve boldly, share Jesus.
we were to as a family, find a task/project, apply for a grant, and execute the project.
we thought, and thought.  then we decided we would do something with FOOD.
that's when we came up with PROJECT YUM-O.  we researched yummy soup recipes, talked to church to find out how many home bound members could benefit from a little yummy-ness, bought the supplies and went to work. 

it was a lot of work, but well worth it.

disclaimer---this looks like it was a great family project from the photos.  and it was for the most part.  but there were a few moments, when the girls pooped out and had to "rest", someone's eyes started watering from too many onions, the rice got scorched in the wildrice soup, i may have raised my voice.  but at the end of the day-we got it done.

~chat soon.

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