Tuesday, December 15, 2009

A Good Man...

So this past weekend was a busy one. We had a Santa event on Saturday morning, Christmas get together Saturday night, and planned to have my parents for dinner on Sunday evening. All while trying to get caught up with cleaning, laundry, odds and ends of household things.

Suddenly, the garbage disposal goes kaput. Total nastiness descended in our kitchen sink. I was guilt-stricken, reviewing all the garbage I tend to shove down the disposal. (funny how those words make up it's title)

Never muttering a cross word, Adam headed to the local hardware store for a new "Badger". Fitting brand name for a garbage disposal isn't it?

My parents, by this point, were on their way. Kitchen was a wreck, every rouge bottle of cleaner and dirty sponge that slipped out of its spot was now on the cabinet. No side dishes were ready for dinner, it was a disaster.

Adam starts to put the garbage disposal in. Kate insists on 'helbing'(helping). She calmly sat down next to him to hold the 'blashlight'(flashlight) It was apparent, she wasn't movin'.

Once again, Adam says nothing, except "You may want to get the camera for this one, Sara."

Long story short, another trip to the hardware store, Dad and Adam getting the disposal in, dinner being saved, the kitchen cleaned up, to only find out the DISHWASHER ISN'T WORKING, our weekend ended kind of sour-ly. (A simple oversight on the installers part caused the dishwasher to not drain, and we have all working appliances back in the kitchen!)

I think I have found myself a keeper, for he still has YET to mutter a word about the evidence of c.r.u.d. found in the garbage disposal, courtesy of me AND he let our favorite little two year old sit between his legs while fixing the sink.

Sometimes there is nothing better then a little pat on the back!

Love you, Bud!
~Chat soon!

p.s. he also surprised me with..... a new car last night after dinner...HOLY MOLY!

1 comment:

  1. Did he put a big red bow on it like the Lexus Christmas commercials?! :)
