Friday, November 27, 2015


we have lots to be thankful for this year.

our house was filled with adam's family for thanksgiving day.
both girls took great pride (and some huffing and puffing) at helping prepare the meal for the family.
it was really great.

having holiday's at our home is not a new thing-the prep can be so chaotic and anxiety ridden.  this year i swore to myself that i would not get upset.  just take it as it comes....i'm not sure what came over me, but i stayed true to that promise.  everything went perfectly. except for a run in with the stove and my favorite cookbook-but nothing truly burned down-just lots of black smoke and the three w girls running around and squealing like i consider that a win!


magical potion that the cookbook calls...brine! ;)

pie making



the table...and adam's belt. ;)

we even norman rockwelled it this year and carved the turkey on the table!

lots going on here..

it really was a great day.
happy thanksgiving yesterday, and everyday!
~chat soon!

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