So, a few weeks back, Basketball season started at CCLS.
A few of the parents asked if Anne was going to play.
I quickly responded with 'Oh no! She has broken arm...'
One of the parents said, 'it would be fine, don't be a stick in the mud...'
Adam and I talked about and decided we should ask Anne.
She immediately responded. 'NO WAY, I will just watch!' (that's my girl!)
Well, the first night of practice came and Anne realized that all her friends that stay after school with her went to practice...she put two and two together and realized she would like to play.
We made a couple calls/emails and she is now a CCLS Charger.
The first game was Saturday.
I was really interested on how these little 5 year olds would do.
They had their bumps, but overall I was quite surprised at how well they did. (it didn't show in the score though.) :(
I was also surprised by me. I was that mom. Yelling GOOOOOOO! ARMS UUUUUUUUUUUUP! GOGOGOGOGOGOG! SHOOT! Sheesh. Apparently, I am a closet basketball fan and didn't even know it.
Either way, it was a fun time.
~chat soon!
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