Friday, September 25, 2009


Well, it's official. The germs have won. They got me! I feel like J.U.N.K. Not the kind of junk you would put in a box and put aside for later, or smile at and think of the fun you had while using it. OHHHH NO! The kind of JUNK that you just want to throw away, burn, or otherwise rid yourself of.

I somehow managed to catch this JUNK around 2pm yesterday, out of no-where. Hit me like a ton of bricks...I blew it off as 'getting into a pile of dust in my classroom' immune system had other plans. So now I feel like JUNK.

It's been a long week. Lots of things to do, get completed, to go to etc. I was REALLY looking forward to the weekend, and now...there is JUNK.

Adam is a trooper, he took care of dinner and entertaining the chicks while I lay half comatose on the couch. I finally 'came to' when I heard him say in a less then impressed voice. "HOW DID YOU GET SO WET, KATE?" Decided maybe I should throw the guy a life vest and help out. ;)

Anyway, due to feeling like JUNK, my patience is thin, very think, like zippo, not here! Anne decided she needed a snack before dinner...Adam gave her a snack (2 bowls of cereal...but I digress) so when it was dinner time, she was not hungry. I calmly told her that I was sorry but she needed to take a few bites of her dinner. I DON"T LIKE ZUCCHINI AND SWEET POTATOES, I ONLY WANT STEAK, she said.(the steak wasn't quite done...) I calmly told her again, that I was sorry but she really needed to try a bite of each.

She said in her most SASSY voice, while pushing the plate away. "WELL I GUESS I'M NOT HUNGRY THEN"....

And it all went down the tubes from there.

She was crying, Kate was crying, I was talking LOUDLY, I think Adam could have cried if he wasn't so scared I may tear into him. :) Just a junky night. Junky, junky, junky.

It goes on...

I asked her to come back in the kitchen (so we could patch things up...) She said "WHY?" I said, "because I need to talk to you a bit." She said..."Good, I need to talk to you too, can you come in HERE?" I just poured a little more wine in my glass and ignored her. Shortly after, Kate walked in...She was squealing 'YOOK, YOOK!' She so happily emptied my ENTIRE box of Puffs with Lotion bought just this afternoon...even gave them to me with a smile!

Lord have mercy. Please give me a good day tomorrow because if I haven't made myself clear...TODAY WAS JUNK!

~Chat soon.

P.S. I know you veteran mommas are cracking up....hope you enjoy! ;0)

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