Saturday, September 19, 2009

Wierd Stuff

Labor Day weekend we went to our parents 'country homes'...Adam had mentioned during the ride that he wanted to take me to see something and to not forget my camera. This is what he took me too...

This is the road leading up to the creek
This is what was in the creek. OOPS!

I would LOVE to find the person with story...If I had to guess, I bet it is a good one!
The girls were napping, so Adam and I snuck out while the grandparents stayed with them. I had mentioned to my mom that he wanted me to see this car that had fallen into the creek, a very long time ago. Without blinking an eye, she said "Oh I wonder if that was Ricky so- and-so's car...I remember there was a story about that once!" HOLY COW! My question still is...WHY WOULD YOU LEAVE IT THERE ALL THIS TIME? Surely someone has been missing it. ;) When I find out, I'll let you know!

~Chat soon!
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