Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The longest 24 hours...

Well, the past 24 hours has been longer than anyone can really imagine.
Yesterday started out average.
Kate was sick with a fever, my dad watched her because I had several routine doctor appointments.
Nothing out of the ordinary.
Just check ups.
The last check up was of the female variety.
The doc and I were shooting the breeze.
Talking about movies, kids, books etc.
The day suddenly took a turn for the worse.
She uttered those life altering words.
'I found a lump.'
And for the past 24 hours, I have been on my knees, physically, and emotionally.
Praying for health, peace, and comfort.
Just a couple of hours ago, I went to get the 'lump' checked out and it is NOTHING.
Absolutely NOTHING.
A piece of FAT.
My prayers were answered.
Outright, answered.
Right there.
Plain as day.
How can you not LOVE THAT?!
I have never been so in love with a piece of fat in all my 32 years of life.

When I have a little more time, I will write about the actual semi-humorous version of the past 24 hours, but for now, I need to go pick up my little chick from preschool.

Chat soon!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that is scary!! SO glad that it turned out to be fat. Here's to being thankful for fat!!
