Thursday, October 21, 2010

the tale of a dollhouse.

This past Saturday we were all outside.
It was warm, the sun was out, we had not a care in the world.
Our neighbor came over.
She is a very sweet neighbor. She and her husband have raised three children and are purging their small kid toys.
The neighbor came over and gave us two very cool dollhouses and two bikes.
Now, it was very, very nice of her. It was so generous and the items are in great condition.
The bikes had streamers and horns, baskets and cool cup holders. The houses had furniture and doorbells, windows that opened and phones that rang.
I would have LOVED to have saved the houses for Christmas gifts-Santa recylces RIGHT?!

Well, since they were given to me in front of the chicks, there was no chance of that happening, on this side of the Mississippi River! THAT IS FOR SURE.
I convinced Anne, that she had to rest, I would clean up the stuff, and she could play her heart out.
It was not that easy.
She cried.
She screamed.
She pouted.
She coughed.
She choked.
She cried.
She said not so nice things.
She hit the floor.

It was a mess.
Shades of my not so hot mothering skills came flying out-oh it was so ugly!
Adam put her in her room and she was TOLD not to move.
She got up from her rest, played for hours, fought with Kate over it...
we have survived the wrath of the dollhouse-but only barely!
I'm oh so thankful that the neighbor was kind enough to share her toys with us.
Next time, I hope to do a better under the table deal!
~Chat soon.

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