Wednesday, May 4, 2011

are you there?

i'm here...
just up to my ears....(hence the picture. i took that once this winter when i was home with kate, she was sick.)
this time of year is intense. the end of a school year.  its full on freak-out. isn't it?
dance recitals, girl scout ceremonies, classroom plays to direct/organize/dream up, classrooms to pack up and move, oh my.
i still have recital pictures to  post, and other super fun stuff....but can't seem to find the second to do it.
tonight was anne's first night of gymnastics, and her court of awards ceremony for girl scouts. it was sweet. t hey got a pin and then a patch for selling cookies, and a little headband that has the school's name on it.
i forgot my camera so i have not one photographic  memory of the thing, but i hopefully will not forget how innocent they all looked standing on the alter....:(
i'm moving grade levels next year AND classrooms.  i have been in the room i am currently in for 10 years.  i have 10 years of crud-ola to either ditch or move...some people get tickled about this kind of a job to tackle, i get nauseous.  really, i do. or teary whichever, it isn't pleasant.
i know it will get done. it always has.  i just am having a tough time getting my head around the to-do list.
we are escaping this weekend. i will not forget my camera.  i can not wait.
a little family outing.
gets me going.
as much as the idea of the place having black out curtains and us all sleeping till TEN in the MORNING! :)
~chat soon!

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