Friday, October 2, 2009


So today I had to run an errand.
Sunday is the Juvenile Walk for Diabetes and I had money to drop off at their office. I had never been there before, so I was a little apprehensive about not being in my own surroundings (typical of me). I went to the 4th floor and started searching for the office. I couldn't find anything that resembled the JDRF office type that I was looking for. Finally, I checked the last door, VIOLA! It was right. I walked in, and no one was there.

I waited around for a few seconds and no one came out. So, I walked down a short hallway to find someone that would take the contributions. I couldn't find a PERSON. But, I did find a D.O.G. (click on it!)A very large POODLE. I have a secret fear of dogs. Not dogs that I know, or know the owners, random dogs. This dog came prancing at me. Immediate fear came over me. I first smiled, even kind of winked at the dog, to offer the dog the signal that I was okay. I wanted to just leave my money and go. No harm done. This dog went BONKERS. Barking, even growling. I did the one thing you should NEVER do with a dog and I RAN.

I ran out the door and SLAMMED it! I rested against the wall for a few minutes while I caught my breath, literally. I went again, thinking surely someone had heard the hub-bub and would come out.

Ding dong, went the door bell and instantly heard the pant of the dog. Around the corner it came. We locked eyes and he/she started barking like I was some enraged maniac. This time more fierce (or could it have been my anxiety??) None the less, he was doing it AGAIN. I headed straight for the door. Hoping he wouldn't grab me in the split second it would take to get there.

I decided, it wasn't worth it. I would send the money in, and forget about the walk. Better yet, I would send the money back to the givers and tell it wasn't meant to be. It wasn't worth the risk of my life against this dog.

As I scurried toward the exit, I came across a man that asked if he could help me. I very quickly said, I'MHERETODROPMYMONEYOFFBUTTHEREISABIGDOGINTHEREANDNONONEELSE! (there is a big dog in there and there is a big dog but no one else.) He said, "I'll be right back", (i think he understood me!) in a few seconds he came back and was able to help me, minus the dog. I turned my money in and apologized for my nervousness (after I had to ask for a new envelope because I put my PARENTS phone number, as ours, and my work place instead of Adam's due to my nerves.) The nice man muttered something about the ridiculous dog and the owner but it didn't really help,THAT DOG almost GOT ME!

I'm happy to say that the money was safely deposited and Adam and I will be walking on Sunday to support JDRF, but I was also made aware (again) of how much unknown dogs FREAK ME OUT!

Did I mention...The dog was a POODLE? (a big one, like the show kind!)

~Chat soon!

p.s. I mean NO disrespect to God's great creation of The Standard Poodle, it just isn't my cup of tea! ;)

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