Monday, August 16, 2010


anne starts school tomorrow-in 24 hours, she is officially IN SCHOOL. lunches, homework, friends, long days at school, snack, drop off, pick up...
i start school wednesday. new principal, new students, new classroom environment...lots of new.
i signed up to be a girl scout leader. (those of you snickering, STOP IT!)
adam has a new employee (which for some reason, always gets me a little squirmy)
lots to do, and no where to go with it all...
i'm just plain nervous.
i admitted to my momma that i truly haven't had to be nervous over REAL stuff since marriage. adam does a lot of my thinking/worrying about real world stuff (sounds old fashion, it may be, but it's okay for me) i worry about silly things. but worrying and being nervous are two totally different things in my book.
this too shall pass and we will all laugh with me and at me at how big of a mess i am.
(its so bad i got a little teary over the thought of anne opening a milk container and spilling it all over her lunch tray-she will bring most days!)
so after reading this, maybe i'm not nervous maybe i'm NUTS!
just a lot of new change and a lot of time to anticipate it-gets me every time.
hope you have had a good giggle!
stay tuned for tomorrows post about Anne as a KINDERGARTNER!
pardon me, i need to go hurl.
~chat soon.

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