Wednesday, August 11, 2010

you will never believe THIS....

I posted awhile ago about the JDRF walk that we are participating in, in goal was 20 walkers, and just a little chunk of change to turn in. Most importantly, just to have a good time and for a cause.
WE HAVE FOURTEEN REGISTERED WALKERS (one flying in from ARIZONA!) and EIGHT HUNDRED DOLLARS and this is just a week after forming the team!
I have been caught running around being 'really excited Sara'. Which includes squealing and clapping-if you know me well, you know EXACTLY what I'm talking about. (and its kind of ridiculous...)
Can you believe that? I just can't believe it!
How cool!
Can't wait to report in October what our final walker count and total of money raised was!
~Chat soon!
p.s.-if you are interested in donating click here (not so hot at this is about as pushy as I come. ;) )

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