Tuesday, November 24, 2009

it's starting...

that feeling, it's starting.

you know what i'm talking about.

it's tuesday, the last day of the work week before the holiday break.

the energy and excitement is almost too much to bear.

you can feel it in the grocery store, in traffic, everywhere.

i kind of dig it.

i love the holidays.

but i have also made a pact with myself.

it's not necessary to make it perfect.

i have caught myself already stressing about the 'perfect' gift for someone. if i was going to have the 'perfect' decorations this year. if my cards were going to be 'perfectly addressed by december 1.'


no one outside of my little mind knows what MY idea of perfect is...so LET.IT.GO.SARA!

i need to set aside the ideas for beaded ornaments, homemade garland, perfect arrangments of baked goods, coordinating outfits for the girls...the list goes on and on...

i need to focus on the real reason that all of these holiday's are going on.

looking forward to candles, food, family, crisp evenings, church services, and lots of GOOD memories.
~chat soon!

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