Saturday, January 15, 2011


the other day in the car, anne says...
how do babies get out of your tummy?
me-silent. uh...well...the doctor gets them out?
anne-tell me more, how?
me-silent, white knuckles on steering wheel, driving herky-jerky...uh, they just get them out. THATS ALL!
anne-i don't get it.  can you tell me more?
me-sweaty, room spinning, THEY USE MEDICAL SCISSORS AND CUT IT OUT!
anne-OHMYGOODNESSSAKESALIVE (her favorite line)...I'm NEVER having a BABY!
me-(she got the point).  OH Anne, it's not that bad, i had two babies. :)  what song do you want to listen to?

1 comment:

  1. I guess if you are driving in the can't send her on a hunt for "wire hangers".
