Tuesday, January 11, 2011

snow day. slow day.

We ALL had a snow day today.  I couldn't be happier.
I love my job, I love my class, but I LOVE SNOWDAYS.
Seriously, never have complained about one. Not one.
The chicks and I had the best day.
We made a list first thing. 
They made theirs.
I made mine.
We got through almost all of theirs. Almost NONE of mine.
I did clean under our bed.
It wasn't too exciting.
Until, I found two. count them. TWO library books.
I don't think we have been since summer.
one again. classy!
The library and I just aren't on the same wave.
Unfortunately, I will probably, once again, owe a small college tuition for two books. 
We have read them twice today, trying to get our monies worth, I guess.
That's just us!
Another snow day for tomorrow.
I can't wait. (but don't tell my fussy teacher friends...)
Kate checking out the snow...
My list...
Their list...
Kate in the fridge. A common thing.
Dance moves.

Dressing up.
Snow Ice cream. So good...

Working hard on the puzzle.

 Busted out connect 4.
Kate did her first puzzle. solo!

~chat soon!

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