Tuesday, January 18, 2011


I spent the better part of yesterday with my best friend since Kindergarten. We've seen thick and thin and have stayed friends through it all.

We talked and talked while the kids played and played.  Our conversations ranged from kids to work to business to crafts to husbands, laundry, PMS, sex...you know the usual gamut.  During each of those topics one of us sighed and exasperated sigh eluding to the fact that it was not perfect.  We wanted perfect, we strive for perfect. 

During one of the litanies, I came to the realization that it has.to.stop! NO MORE!  We ARE happy! (or should be)  We have more then some could ask for, more then some could ask for in a million years.  We have wonderful children, warm homes, strong marriages, healthy lives...seriously.  We SHOULD BE HAPPY!  Is it perfect?  HECK NO!  Of course not!  We still have mounds of laundry bills to pay, kids with wet pants, stains on carpets, husbands that work too much, cranky kids, and the pleasant visit of Aunt Flo every 28 days...

If you know me, you know that in  no way is my home 'perfect', it is no display!  You could walk in unannounced and I'm SURE you would have the opportunity to either a) cringe, or b) call Family Services but By God, we are HAPPY!

I'm determined to remember that this year!  Happy does not = perfect and Perfect does not = happy, if nothing else it = exhaustion, and I don't have time for that! :)

We are surrounded by love, faith, honesty, and pride...to this momma, that equals HAPPINESS! 
That makes me smile!
Off my soap box now!
~Chat soon!

1 comment:

  1. Thank You!! I need to remember this as well. There are so many things that I want and I think that I will be happy then. I need to accept that what I have in my life NOW is pretty amazing and by hoping and wishing that I had a boyfriend/marriage and kids that I would be happy is just crazy. I need to live these days because I am sure there are people with families that would love to be in my situation. So thanks and one day my family will happen!
