Sunday, January 2, 2011

new year-new word

last year, i was turned on to the idea of a word for the year.
for me, it came pretty quick.
although, the more i think about the word, the more i am a little freaked out by it.
for the mere fact that i am determined to do...a lot.

big things like...
keeping closets clean
joining a small group Bible study
attempting a new recipe at least once a week month
write letters to people. real letters.
visit my gram more
 keep things simple
focus on my Faith
not be sensitive about things
learn photoshop elements
get things done
enter my recipes onto the computer
try to resist drinking so coke

smaller things like...
keep the laundry up (this really is a big thing for me...)
shave my legs more often :)
lay my clothes out the night before
not bite my kids heads off
laugh more. if that is possible.
and much more.
sticking to date nights
drink more water

so wish me luck.  the things on 'the list' aren't all the things, nor are they must do's. just a base to work from.
~chat soon

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