Monday, July 4, 2011

the weekend.

for years we have talked about going to 'the meadow' for the fourth of july.
we are usually, just coming home from vacation on the fourth, so it has never panned out.
this year, we are doing stay-cations. ;) so it worked.
we packed up and arrived saturday.
it started with a visit with maw-maw and paw paw phil.
they have a small pool. it was a hit.
for everyone.
it was hotter then hot, so splashing around was a welcomed treat.

 we then went to meemaw and pawpaws.
it is always so much fun there.
i can never put my finger on why, it's just a blast.
ol' fashion fun, i suppose.
i didn't know this about adam, but he is a bit of a fireworks freak.
we stopped at a road side stand.
he bought two bags worth.

we had adams parents on sunday evening for dinner and the big fireworks display.
adam had purchased a beebee gun for anne a few weeks earlier.
(if you don't know, adam, he is an avid hunter.  he is all about hunter safety, and the proper precautions while using a don't get nervous when you read the rest.)
last week when we went to the meadow, we practiced, with the girls.
it was a blast.
he of course helped them with the whole thing.
they loved it.
mom and i enjoyed it more then we thought.
 so we busted out the bb gun for a family competition, with adam's parents.
we piled onto the front porch, set up our targets, and away we went.
everyone followed the rules and protocol which is always good.

this is adam's mom.  it was her first time.  she didn't do half bad.  :)

we all joked that we needed this song piped in...
who doesn't just love that song????

the men loved the fireworks...

kate, not so much.  she invented her own sort of ear-plugs.
cracked us up.
she settled down as the show went on.
it was a great time.
we are hopeful to put it into the tradition box! ;)
here are some miscellaneous pictures from the weekend.
we love finding treasures at 'the meadow'
before church.

playing dress up

enjoying the country life.

relaxing with some chalk.
hope you all enjoyed your july fourth weekend as much as we did!
~chat soon

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