Monday, April 26, 2010

in case you didn't know...

we are weird.
i am a proud member of a weird family.
if you don't know...we do not have cable. (a hush falls over the crowd....)
we are not big tv watchers and it just seems to be a waste. adam is very money conscious and since that seems to be something we would possibly not get our money out of, we don't have it.
it works for me.
a while back, however, it was said, nation wide, that our tv service would be null if we did not buy this fancy black box that gave us a couple extra channels and great reception.
we obliged and bought the box. the for said box recently died. dead as a door nail.
anne seems to think she knows the problem since her brother 'eric' told her. i'm not holding my breath.
i digress. since early last week, or maybe even the week before, we have not had tv on our first floor.
it is heaven sent.
i have really been struggling with how to cut tv time out of our diet. all of our diets.
i think i may have found the solution.
the girls watch a few minutes of a video/movie they have watched manya-times and they are done. we watch our netflix selection at the end of the evening and all are happy.
sounds weird, right???
i guess it is.
I just hate the fact that inadvertently, my children, have been sucked into tv. even if it is as innocent as elmo's world, or sid the science kid. i just don't like it. they need to be playing, outside, inside, i don't give a rip, honestly. I just don't want it to be in front of the boob tube (as mom says).
I think i was born in the wrong generation. i'm not a big fan of t.v., video games or tv's in cars...i don't let the kids chew gum, or drink soda for that matter, i prefer they drink milk before their lips taste anything else for the day, we pray before meals, bedtime, and really in any other situation where prayer is needed, we play games together, we tickle, we are all about the family. that's just us. if you don't agree. that's okay, but it works for our family.
i challenge you to turn your tube off for a day. you'd be surprised how much the dynamics in your household change.

**don't worry, we have to have ONE tv. otherwise i couldn't watch for bad weather!!!!*
~Chat soon!


  1. Saree....I really forgot that I called the TV that, but I suppose you are right!!:( I guess I have rubbed off on you...who needs a TV!!.. but DON'T TOUCH my COMPUTER ;) Love You!

  2. I think I would D.I.E. without it! Really, I need it on just for the noise- I always have. :) But that happens when you don't have kids and both adults work at home... we need something to listen to besides ourselves and snoring dogs.
    Between tv and magazines those are my guilty pleasures. I'm sure if I had kids I would want it on A LOT less, so I get where you are coming from! You're not weird- you're healthy!

  3. So not weird!! I hope that when I have kids I am able to change my habits and not have the boob tube on so much. I agree that I have it on for the sound most of the time. Since I live alone now the silence can be deafening.
