Sunday, March 28, 2010

Supersized Weekend.

This weekend was packed. (Well, just Saturday...) It was fun. I mean really fun.
We had the Holy Land Adventure at church. They have been advertising it like crazy. Anne has been bringing home info on it, it has been pushed on Sunday services. It looked like something that was...interesting.
It was totally awesome. They transformed the gym at church into a Market Place in Jerusalem. Each store was an activity that was authentic to Jerusalem for the kids to do. So cool! They made dreidel's, necklaces, spice sachet's etc...I was in awe of how much work was put in to this event.
Today our church service was held in the Market Place. It also was amazing. Looking for a church? I'll tell you about ours. ;)

Side note-the lady at the 'spice shop' was telling the girls how the people that lived in the time of Jesus life on earth, did not bathe, they didn't have tubs...they had to wear spices on their clothing so they didn't smell. Without missing a beat, Anne says. YOU KNOW WHAT KATE DID IN OUR TUB TODAY? I almost croaked-Kate pooped in the tub before we left. Gross. Everyone was totally freaked out in our house. But none the less, Anne felt the need to report to the nice lady that Kate pooped in our tub. Luckily, she got distracted mid sentence (probably by me jumping over her-trying to get her to stop talking) and didn't get it all out. :)

We also had Hunter's birthday party, which was at the bowling alley. Who can't LOVE that? The girls have never been bowling and we haven't been bowling since well before kids. It was great time.

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